El colectivo denominado DAMde8, nacido en 2019, con sede en Burdeos (Francia), reúne a una treintena de personas (artistas y ponentes de diferentes países). Quince de estas personas han puesto en práctica sus habilidades y los principios de colaboración inculcados por DAMde8.
Hoy presentan el disco MAJOR JONES, cantado por Major Kami y su invitada, Sarah Jay de Massive Attack.
El reto que se propusieron para este disco de electropop, visitado por el espíritu de David Bowie, era hablar de su vida sin que su nombre apareciera nunca en la letra.
¡Lo único que quedaba por hacer era encontrar un cantante!
Como Denis está constantemente buscando en las redes sociales, solicita varios cantantes masculinos y femeninos, pero su elección se dirige rápidamente hacia una voz femenina para evitar una «competencia masculina» con la voz de David Bowie.
Tras varios intentos fallidos, y algunos abandonos, escucha la voz de esta cantante canadiense afincada en Singapur. Sin conocerla, le sugirió que escuchara las canciones en «yogurt«.
Le encantó el tema que le propuso.
The collective named DAMde8, born in 2019, based in Bordeaux (France), gathers about thirty people (artists and speakers from different countries). Fifteen of these people have put into practice their skills and the principles of collaboration instilled by DAMde8.
Today they present the album MAJOR JONES, sung by Major Kami and their guest, Sarah Jay from Massive Attack.
The challenge they set themselves for this electropop album, visited by the spirit of David Bowie, was to talk about his life without his name ever being mentioned in the lyrics.
The only thing left to do was to find a singer !
As Denis is constantly searching on social networks, he solicits several male anf female singers, but his choice quickly goes towards a female voice to avoid a «male competition» with David Bowie ‘s voice.
After several unsuccessful attempts, and some abandonments, he hears the voice of this Canadian singer who lives in Singapore. Without knowing her, he suggested that she listen to the songs in «yoghurt«.
She loved the theme he proposed.